How does SEM work?

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a microscope that works by scanning a focused electron beam on a sample of interest. The main SEM components include:
• Electronic source
• Electronic travels through electromagnetic lenses
• Electronic detectors
•Sample room
• The computer and the monitor can view the image

An electron is generated at the top of the column, accelerating down and passing through a combination of lens and aperture to produce a focused electron beam that strikes the surface of the sample. The sample is mounted on the stage of the chamber area unless the microscope is designed to operate under low vacuum, otherwise, the column and chamber are evacuated by means of a combination of pumps. The degree of vacuum will depend on the design of the microscope.

The position of the electron beam on the sample is controlled by a scan coil located above the objective lens. These coils allow the beam to be scanned on the surface of the sample. For SEM Services SEM Services in Lahore.  According to the name of the microscope, this beam scanning or scanning makes it possible to collect information about the area defined in the sample. As a result of the electron-sample interaction, many signals are generated. These signals are then detected by appropriate detectors.

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